20 for 20: Clockwork Giving Back
One of our core values at Clockwork is Design for Good. This is manifested in many ways and in recent years we launched our One for One program. For every project we design, we build a well in Africa to deliver life giving water to those that need it most.
To celebrate our anniversary milestones, we do it a little differently.
Ten years ago we celebrated our 10 year anniversary by selecting 10 nonprofits to support with our time, talent and treasure, then again at the 15 year mark. Here we are celebrating our 20 year anniversary, Wow, so humbled and grateful!
We have long believed that supporting our community is not optional. For those given much, much is expected. Our team selected 20 nonprofits to support this year, we encourage everyone to join us in this celebration!
Clockwork's 20 for 20:
1 | Halo Foundation- Art Auction https://haloworldwide.org/
2| Operation Breakthrough - Bright Futures Event https://operationbreakthrough.org/
3| Women's Employment Network - Luncheon https://kcwen.org/home
4| Boys and Girl's Club of Greater KC - Kids Night Out https://bgc-gkc.org/
5| Lee's Summit Stormwater Stream Team https://cityofls.net/stormwater
6| Heart to Heart https://www.hearttoheart.org/
7| Phoenix Familyn - Adopt-A-Senior https://www.phoenixfamily.org/holidays/adoptafamily.html
8| Starfish Project https://starfishproject21.org/
9| Hope Builders https://hopebuilders-kc.org/
10| Habitat for Humanity https://habitatkc.org/
11| Harvesters https://www.harvesters.org/
12| Newhouse KC https://newhousekc.org/
13| Hands to Hearts KC https://handstoheartskc.org/
14| Adopt A Road KC - https://www.modot.org/
15| KC Pet Project https://kcpetproject.org/
16| Happy Bottoms https://happybottoms.org/
17| Crosslines Food Drive https://www.cross-lines.org/
18| Adopt a Family for Christmas https://centralusa.salvationarmy.org/kck/
19| Nourish KC - Meal Service https://nourishkc.org/
20| Global Stylist Scholarship https://www.globalstylistscholarship.com/
Join us in supporting these incredibly non-profits!